I have so many friends into Amazon affiliate business. From my friend, I have heard a lot of question about why their sales performance isn’t good even when their affiliate website hold top position on Google.

People need to know that promoting Amazon product isn’t only about pick a random product, make an article on their website, and then try to rank it up on search engine. They should aware critical part in affiliate marketing is to determine good product to promote.

Personally, I only promote the Amazon’s products that fulfill these two critical criteria:
- Minimum average customer review should be 3.5 and the latest 3-4 review should be good star. This is to prevent people to avoid the product because of bad review.
- Local monthly searcher for my targeted keyword on that product should be 500 in minimum, so I can sure my website will be visited by quite lots of people if I successfully rank it up to the top of SERP.

How about you? How you determine Amazon’s product to promote? Share it here