With vital role in future development and adding more features in your website, choosing best content management system is necessary to fulfill the need of constantly changing internet and promotional activities on internet. Some basic tips for selection of CMS for your website.

A level of flexibility provided custom design : Design of your website changes on regular time, on certain festivals and promotion you want to have different design rather than same design. CMS should provide good option for adopting new design and ability to make add customization.

Data management and its presentation
: If you have large data base or content, it should have flexible option for management of data and easy to represent the data with your defined structured like displaying on sub directory or sub domain or in other separate folder. So as per website type, you must look out for specific CMS which is popular for that site. As wordpress is popular for blogs and PHPBB for forums.

Seo Friendly Structure : Either the structure of URL and other things being generated automatically should have SEO friendly or it must provide option for you to do it manually.

Flexibility in adding new features : : If any requirement get appeared in future to integrate in website, it should be easier to implement without changing the basic structure.

Above are some key features you should examine before paying or adopting any CMS. Sometimes it is good to select CMS as per the kind of website you are going to have rather than having same CMS. For example, Same CMS can't give same features for implementing forums and blogs website.