Did you know that SEO Link Building is one of the most cost effective ways to increase your website traffic?

Links refer qualified visitors to your website by establishing your site in a community of related sites. Also, because they are considered to be the top factor in how Google ranks your site, inbound links will improve your website visibility for topics people are searching for.

While SEO link building should be an essential part of the marketing strategy for any business, it has also been a complex and time-consuming process that requires resources that many small businesses may not have to commit.

Until now, that is!

Eightfold Logic (Google it) is the only link building tool I know of with an opt-in marketplace for link building where anyone - from small and medium-sized business owners, to web developers, online marketers, or SEO strategists - at any business can discover and link to relevant, high-quality websites to significantly increase qualified traffic to their websites.