My intention ia to get Knowledge Graph Panel and Siteline results just like Facebook: facebook - Google Search | Awesome Screenshot
This is what i have learned and i,m going to do.
Knowledge Graph Panel
1- I need to submit an article at Wikipedia for my Company/Brand.
2- I need to complete & Verify Google +1 profile for my Company/Brand
3- To get social profiles of my business in Knowledge Graph Panel, i have to Use structured data markup embedded in my public website to specify my preferred social profiles.
For Siteline
Its an automated process by google but i read somewhere that i should verify my website in google webmaster and create a sitemap. After that submit the sitemap in google webmaster tool.
As you can see Founders and CEO's are visible with their Wikipedia page links too. So to get that i have to ask the company's CEO and Founders to create a Wikipedia Page for themselves?
So my question is what i,m doing is right or not? Am i missing something?