1 no analitycs

by a blind man driving a car can end only one way..so be focus, and get all of possibles data - just so you know if your campaign makes sense

Prepare an analytical tool, which will follow the campaigns (Do not just paste the Google Analytics code)
Determine campaign goal, which will determine its effectiveness
Properly link your AdWords and Analytics accounts ( It good idea to import purposes Analytics to AdWords)
Set up the goals by the relevant URLs (or expected results for the metrics)
Enable search tracking site also will not kill you, and can brighten up a lot of issues

2 no knowledge
Propetly using all of Adwords tools available in your account, expecially reports and advertising options its a only way to campagin success.

3. "first possition mission"
The war in the rates of many obscures the purpose of the campaign, which is not achieving the highest position, and get as many customers in a cost-effective cost of acquisition.

There is no "perfect adwords campagin setup" so always analysis all of Your data and modifications and tests